Cameo once again asks if you’d like to pay for live video calls with celebs

Celeb shoutout service Cameo is taking another swing at selling virtual meet-and-greets with the celebrities on its platform. Cameo Live is a new service the company is announcing today that offers a 10-minute live video call with a celebrity, which customers can choose to have either as a one-on-one session, send as a gift, or take part in with up to nine friends.

If the feature sounds familiar, that’s because Cameo has tried launching similar features a couple of times already. In June 2020, it launched its first iteration of Cameo Live, which also offered 10-minute video calls, albeit only with up to five participants (not including the celebrity). But a little under a year later, in April 2021, Cameo sunsetted the feature and followed up with a replacement in September 2021 called “Cameo Calls.” At the time, Cameo advertised that the feature would offer video calls up to 15 minutes in length, although at launch, we saw that many celebs were offering shorter calls of two to three minutes in length.

A selection of celebs with their Cameo Live pricing in GBP.
Image: Cameo

In today’s announcement, Cameo now refers to Cameo Calls as its “two-minute meet & greet product,” which suggests that celebrities weren’t opting to host the longer calls that the feature was advertised with at launch. Cameo Calls will be discontinued with the launch of the new Cameo Live.

Cameo says it’s already got “thousands” of celebrities signed up to Cameo Live and lists Sean Astin (who played Sam in The Lord of the Rings films), Bonnie Wright (Ginny from the Harry Potter films), James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and McLaren CEO Zak Brown as examples of the celebrities who have signed up. From looking at their profiles, prices for a 10-minute Cameo Live range anywhere from £208 (around $250 USD) up to £1,660 (around $2,000 USD).

Calls can be booked through the Cameo website and allow you to suggest up to three potential dates and times for a call.


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