Funds offering ‘friends and family’ checks could bring the change underrepresented founders need
Source: Funds offering ‘friends and family’ checks could bring the change underrepresented founders need 2023-04-07 22:43:03

Perhaps you’ve been there before: An investor shrugs and waves their hand. “Go raise a friends and family round,” they say before perfunctorily throwing out a number worth three times more than the average Black household.

A new white paper by the venture fund Fifth Star put into context how incongruous such statements are: The average friends and family round is $23,000. The median liquid U.S. Black family wealth is $3,630 compared to $79,000 for white families; the average Black founder raises less than around $1,000 from family and friends.

“For a Black entrepreneur to raise the average $23,000 friends and family round, they’d need to secure the entire liquid wealth of six Black families,” the white paper concluded.

This lack of available initial funding leaves Black founders starting well behind their white counterparts, creating a domino effect that stifles generational wealth creation. That’s another byproduct of this country’s continued economic segregation, which has engendered a racial wealth gap 100 years going on.

Fifth Star Funds seeks to tackle this issue by positioning itself as the first “friends and family round” fund for Black founders. It writes checks worth up to $25,000, slightly higher than the $23,000 average. So far, it has backed 21 entrepreneurs in its local Chicago area and plans to expand across the U.S.

This raises some interesting questions: What if more funds were to brand themselves this way? And what would be the impact that would have on spurring entrepreneurship within the Black community?

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