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Blue Origin has emerged as the likely buyer for United Launch Alliance
Source: Blue Origin has emerged as the likely buyer for
Ala. hospital halts IVF after state’s high court ruled embryos are “children”
Source: Ala. hospital halts IVF after state’s high court ruled
Unvaccinated Florida kids exposed to measles can skip quarantine, officials say
Source: Unvaccinated Florida kids exposed to measles can skip quarantine,
Test flights on tap for Space Perspective’s luxury high-altitude balloon
Source: Test flights on tap for Space Perspective’s luxury high-altitude
SpaceX seeks a waiver to launch Starship “at least” nine times this year
Source: SpaceX seeks a waiver to launch Starship “at least”
Can any English word be turned into a synonym for “drunk”? Not all, but many can.
Source: Can any English word be turned into a synonym
Inside Scientists’ Life-Saving Prediction of the Iceland Eruption
Source: Inside Scientists’ Life-Saving Prediction of the Iceland Eruption 2024-02-21
NASA faces a quandary with its audacious lunar cargo program
Source: NASA faces a quandary with its audacious lunar cargo
New compact facial-recognition system passes test on Michelangelo’s David
Source: New compact facial-recognition system passes test on Michelangelo’s David
Measles erupts in Florida school where 11% of kids are unvaccinated
Source: Measles erupts in Florida school where 11% of kids
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